June 10, 2016

TOP 10 of my Clexa's favs moments

I'll not put the scenes in orders because I love with all my strength every Clexa's scenes!

1 • Clarke getting mad at Lexa because she don't want Lexa to fight with Roan;

But then, when the fights will begin...

She was so afraid of lost the love of her life.

2 • Their fist meet.

3 • The way that Clarke makes Lexa feel so vulnerable.

4 • And one of the more cutest Clexa's scenes. 

The way they look to each other giving all the love, showing all their feelings, just in a look.

''Good night, Commander.''
''Good night, Ambassador.''

5 • Their first kiss.

''Don't we deserve better than that?''
''Maybe we do...''

6 • Maybe life should be about more than just surviving

You were right, Clarke.

7 • Bowing to each other and swearing allegiance.

8 • Their second kiss.

9 • You can't ever forget, if you attack Clarke, you attack Lexa.

10 • May we meet again, reshop Heda.

And for bonus, Clarke and Lexa parallels.

Of course I didn't put ALL my favs because Clexa's love history is one of the most beautiful LGBT's love in a serie. Enjoy!

Published by Manu

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