May 29, 2016

Angelina Jolie will give lectures on gender equality and global security at the University of London

Besides being an established actress and do several works focused on philanthropy, Angelina Jolie is expanding their professional knowledge and experiences.

The singer was invited to teach at the British University School Of Economics in London. As reported by the institution's website, Angelina will be responsible for master classes on gender equality, global security and humanitarian issues related to peace.

The course is coordinated by the Center for Women, Peace and Security was created last year by Angelina in partnership with William Hague, former british foreign secretary. The students' experience with Jolie will far beyond just classes. It will also give lectures, promote events, workshops and reading groups on the proposed themes of the menu of the course, which will last 12 months.

"I'm happy and very encouraged by the creation of this program," Angeline said in a statement. "I hope that other academic institutions will follow suit, it is vital that we amplifiquemos discussions on how we can advance the rights for women and end impunity of crimes that affect us as sexual violence and conflicts with wars. I look forward to teaching, learning with students and share my experiences working with world governments and the United Nations ", ended.

Published by Manu

Pleasure, my name is WOMAN

Today I woke up wanting to never wake up, the sun is shining out there, but here it is so cold. They touched me. In the worst way you can touch a woman. It was a night of partying. Dance. Passion. Youth. But all was lost in a cup. A drink. A sip. My boyfriend doped me. He drugged me. I remember our first conversations, the first kiss, the first hug, I thought that those arms, I would find protection, I was wrong. The crime last night has no forgiveness. In my mind the lights gleamed, everything revolved. I heard voices. Chuckles. DEBAUCHERY! When I woke up I was naked, penetrated, violated.

30 animals over me
30 monsters
30 animals bogeymen
30 nightmares
30 MEN.
I felt small, helpless. I called by my mother, but nobody listened to me, no one paid attention to me. They devoured my body. They hurt me more and more, and the more I cried, more they liked. My father was not there to defend me. I wanted to run, escape to under my bed and hide. I BLACKED OUT. I woke move in a corner, naked, without soul, without life, only PAIN. Such a strong pain. I could not even cry. The bogeyman had gone, the monster was not there anymore, the legion of demons had gone, the men were gone. But I was still in hell.

Hug my mother no longer brings relief, the protection of my father can't save me more, I can hide under the bed, I can hide anywhere, THE PAIN WILL NOT PASS. WILL NOT STOP. WILL NOT GO AWAY. My soul was raped that night, my heart was penetrated, my mind is full of cum, my mouth is with a bitter taste. I know that life will continue. I'll study. Work. Maybe I'll come back to smile, my body will heal, the wound will heal, who knows I may go back dating someone new. But, my soul and my spirit, they were taken, they were stolen, dilacerated, they turned gray.

When a man rapes a woman, he's raping a girl, a girl, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a grandmother. I cried out to God. I cried for my parents. I cried for help, nut the monsters have not heard. It has no soul, it has no heart. They are everywhere, in the bus, in the subway, in the market, in school, at work, inside our home. Who can save us? I don't know.

Pleasure, my name is WOMAN
and I died at 16.

Helena Ferreira

In honor of all women in the world! The pain of yours is also mine!

I'm Manu and I fight by the end of the rape culture.

Published by Manu

What can we learn from the son of Will Smith, who at 17 it is women's clothing campaign star

A century ago, any would be horrified to see a woman wearing pants around. They were, at that time, a privilege of men and a sensible girl would know it very well.

It was during World War II that the pants became part of women's wardrobes that worked - and were only introduced in the fashion around the year 60. However, it seems that despite all this history, some clothing items are still associated with only one genre: yes, we are talking of skirts and dresses, considered women's clothing.

But they will even have clothes that belong to one gender? The new action brand Louis Vuitton is breaking this stereotype to invite the actor and musician Jaden Smith, only 17 years to star in the launch campaign of its women's collection for summer 2016. Jaden is the son of actor Will Smith and purchase and wear clothes considered feminine without calling the taboos. In fact, he made it clear that it considers that differentiate clothes by gender is something outdated...

Last year, in his Instagram account, the teenager posted: "I went to (store) TopShop buy some women's clothes... or rather, 'clothing'" - which shows that, despite their age, boldness is not lacking for him.

Check out some of the models with which Jaden already paraded around - and a preview of the new brand campaign - and learn from him this lesson: what we see and we have for granted are only social constructs, which, in most cases, it is worth questioning:

Published by Manu

Quote of the day

"Never give up of your dreams, they are our way, they are what we are, they are our own nature, our own essence, without them we are nothing."

Published by Wes

Eliza must stay with who?


'Totally Awsome' is in the final straight and Gshow want to know your opinion : Who the protagonist Eliza (Marina Ruy Barbosa) should choose? The redhead must choose Jonatas former street dweller ( Felipe Simas ) or the entrepreneur Arthur ( Fábio Assunção ) ? The poll has more than 1.5 million votes and the results will be announced Monday morning during the 'Meeting with Fátima Bernardes'. To vote, visit

Published by Adrian

May 26, 2016

Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow - Epic crossover between the series is confirmed!

Christmas came early for fans of superheroes on TV. Now that Supergirl joined The CW for its second season, it was quite possible that participate series of a crossover with the other programs of the channel; The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. But the president of the station, Mark Pedowitz, went further: confirmed a crossover between the four series for December!
Mark Pedowitz, president of The CW confirmed that in December, a quadruple crossover will happen in the station, gathering Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. "Just imagine how it will be our crossover episode in December. It will be the greatest! "Pedowitz said.
The change of the number of channel Supergirl, Pedowitz said, "We'll talk to Greg Berlanti and his team next week. We have a rough idea of ​​how things will work and, because of our relationship with Greg, we are confident that they will understand what our needs. As for the tone of the series, they did something very promising. The fact that she's coming to The CW now should not change the tone. That's where she should be from the beginning."

Published by Wes

May 25, 2016

Quote of the day

"The taller they are, the longer they fall." ― Rick Riordan (The Lighting Thief)

Published by Wes

Lucas Lucco surprises Globo and leaves Malhação's cast

Despite of his great success in "Malhação," of Globo, Lucas Lucco decided that he won't be in the new season of the show. The decision was taken by the singer himself, missing two months for the new cycle starts.

According to the informations from a journalist called Léo Dias, the backcountry will focus more on his music career, who had been sidelined since he began recording.

The production of "Malhação: Your Place in the World" was surprised by the choice of the artist, including director Leonardo Nogueira. The musician had moved away from the novel after confessing that he suffered from depression. Upon his return, he came to be sick again behind the scenes.

"After returning, he came to feel bad again, but talked and it was all right. The peak of the crisis was short, the rest is maintenance.'' said the director of the plot Leonardo Nogueira.

Published by Adrian

May 23, 2016

Quote of the day

''Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love.''

Published by Manu

Trans girl with 7 years old meets the actress Laverne Cox

The transgender actress Laverne Cox, from "Orange Is The New Black", became a symbol for the whole LGBT community. This week, the story of a mother who took her daughter trans seven years, called M., to attend a speech that Cox was giving at City Hall, touched many users of networks.

The mother, Marlo Mack, writes about her daughter's transition into your blog "Gender Mom." On the page, she reported about the time that the small M. met the actress, who told her: "Remember dear, be trans is beautiful."

See a stretch of a publication of M's mother:

"OITNB is not really appropriate for a kid with 7 years old watch. But I was shown a photo of Laverne to M. on the cover of a magazine. Somehow she knew that Laverne was important and it was also a transsexual.

We arrived early enough to get seats right in front, and when Laverne came in the crowd went wild. M, was super happy cheering and clapping.

I think M. was one of the only kids in the audience. But the message is and that she understood it: here is someone who is talented, intelligent, famous, beloved by crowds. And she's also like you.

They had multiple entries, because she thought Cox was going through one of those doors? M. ignored my question and was alone at the other end of the room, his back to me.

She was right, a few minutes later, Laverne came through those doors and the crowd went crazy. But this time a little person in a flowered dress stood between her and the crowd. Looking at her face, waiting to be noticed.

Laverne waved to everyone, thanked us graciously and then looked that little girl blocking the way.

"Well, hello" - she said.
"I am M." - my daughter said.
Laverne smiled at her: "Hello M."
"I am trans," said M.

Laverne got a little lost, the crowd around commenting ("Did you see what that girl said?"). Laverne looked around the room and asked, "Is anyone with her?"

I stepped forward, "I am her mother." I was fully locked and forgotten how a normal human speech. I have no idea what I said.

But M. know what to do. She went straight to hug in Laverne, who crouched to M. eye level to meet her. I heard what she said to my daughter "Remember dear, be trans is beautiful."

Thank you life.''

Published by Manu

May 22, 2016

The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle

Read the first chapter of The Hidden Oracle below

Many punches in the face
I wanted to decimate all
Be deadly, that bag!

MY NAME IS APOLLO. I was a god.
In my 4612 years did a lot of things. punished with a plague that the Greeks besieged Troy. Babe Ruth blessed with three home runs in the fourth game of the World 1926. I poured my anger against Britney Spears Video Music Awards 2007.
But in my immortal life, I had never made a hard landing in
a dumpster.
Not sure how it happened.
I only know that when I woke up was falling. Skyscrapers turned, appearing and disappearing from my view. Flames came out of my body. I tried to fly. I tried to turn cloud, teleport me to another place, making thousands of other things that should be easy for me, but I just kept falling. I fell in a narrow space between two buildings and BAM!
Is there anything sadder than the sound of a god crashing against a
pile of plastic bags filled with trash?
I was there moaning and suffering. My nostrils burned with the stench of spoiled bologna and used diapers. My ribs seemed broken,
though it should not be possible.
My mind was restless and confused, but a memory came to light - the voice of my father, Zeus: YOUR FAULT. YOUR PUNISHMENT
Only then I understand what happened to me. And I cried in despair.
If I, who am the god of poetry, was not able to describe what I felt
at that time, as you mere mortals could understand? Imagine having
his clothes torn and being hit by a jet of water in front of a crowd laughing. Imagine freezing water filling his mouth and his
lungs, hurting the skin, turning his knuckles in an amorphous mass.
Imagine feeling helpless, embarrassed, completely vulnerable, naked public and brutally everything that makes you be you. My humiliation was worse than that.
YOUR FAULT, resounded the voice of Zeus in my head.
- No! - I cried, heartbroken. - Is not true! Please!
Silence. Around me, rusted fire escapes zigzagged
facade above, covered by gray winter sky and pitiless.
I tried to remember the details of my sentence. My father went on to say how long this punishment would last? What should I do to fall again in thanks of it?
My memory was complete chaos. I could hardly remember what
It was the appearance of Zeus, much less why he decided to dump me on Earth. There was a war with the Giants, something. The gods were caught unawares, they were humiliated and almost defeated.
But one thing I was sure: my out unjust punishment. Zeus needed to blame someone, and of course choose the most beautiful god,
talented and popular of the Pantheon: I.
I lay in the trash, looking at the label on the inside of the bucket:
Zeus will reconsider, I told myself. He's just trying to give me a
scare. At any time, you will take me back to Olympus and get me out, not before giving me a moral lesson.
- It's ... - My voice sounded empty and desperate. - And that's it.
I tried to get up. I wanted to be standing when Zeus appeared to ask
apologies. My ribs throbbed. My stomach tightened. held the edge of the bucket and managed to drag me out. I fell on top one shoulder, which hit the asphalt with a bang.
- Ouuch. - I whimpered in pain. - Get up. Get up.
Standing was not easy. My head was spinning. I almost fainted
with the effort. I looked around and saw that I was in a dead end.
Literally. The fifteen meters, was a street with dirty windows that
housed the office of a bail agent and a pawnshop. I was somewhere in the west of Manhattan, assumed, or perhaps in Crown Heights,
Brooklyn. Zeus should even be very angry with me.
I inspected my new body. I appeared to be a caucasian teenager
male, wearing sneakers, jeans and a green polo shirt. Much not funny. I felt nauseous, weak and so, so human.
I'll never understand how you mortals, tolerate it. You go through life all trapped in a sack of meat, unable to enjoy the pleasures more simple as turning into a hummingbird or dissolve into pure light. And now, heaven help me, I was one of you, just a bag
meat in the universe.
Rummaged in his pockets, hoping to still be with the key to my
chariot of the sun. Nothing. I found a cheap nylon wallet with hundred dollars (money for my first lunch as mortal, perhaps) and
a provisional driver's license in the state of New York with a picture of a goofy teenager curly hair that no way could be me,named Lester Papadopoulos. The cruelty of Zeus knew no bounds!
I looked inside the bucket, hoping that my bow, my quiver and my
lyre had fallen to earth with me. I would be already happy just with my harmonica.There was nothing.
I took a deep breath. Cheer up, I told myself. I have kept some of
my divine skills. Things could be worse.
A hoarse voice shouted:
- Hey, Cade, take a look at that sucker!
There were two young people blocking the alley exit: a stocky with platinum blonde hair, the other tall and red-haired. Both wore sweatshirts and baggy pants. To complete, had his neck covered in tattoos. All that remained was the word OFFENDER written in bold letters on the forehead of each.
The redhead stuck looking at the wallet that was in my hand.
- Take it easy, Mikey. The guy here looks pretty nice. - He smiled and pulled one belt hunting knife. - In fact, I bet he wants to give all
his money for us, isn't it?
* * *
I blame my bewilderment at what happened next.
I knew my immortality had been taken from me, but I still considered the mighty Apollo! It is impossible to change the way of thinking with ease with which one can say, become a Snow Leopard.
Moreover, in previous times when Zeus punished me making me
mortal (yes, it has happened twice more), I kept my strength
outsized and at least part of my divine powers. I assumed that this timealso it would be.
I would not allow two deadly ruffians would lead to Lester Papadopoulos' wallet.
So I straightened all and hoped that Cade and Mikey stay
intimidated before my actual stance and divine beauty (qualities that never could be taken from me, regardless of what the photo showed in driver's license). I ignored the hot slurry from the hopper, which ran down my neck.
- I am Apollo - announced. - You mortals have three choices: you can make a tribute to me, run away or can be destroyed.
I wanted my words echoed through the alley, shake off the New York buildings and do the heavens rained smoking disgrace. None of this happened. When I uttered the word destroyed, my voice failed.
Cade, the red-haired boy grinned even wider. I thought about how it would be fun if I could do the tattoos snake around his neck
to life and strangle him to death.
- What do you think, Mikey? - He asked his friend. - We must
honor this guy?
Mikey scowled. With ruffled blond hair, small and cruel eyes and the body stocky, he remembered the monster that terrorized nut
Calydon in the good old days.
- I'm not much to do homage today, Cade. - His voice sounded like someone who ate lit cigarettes. - What were the other options
- To run away? - Cade said.
- No - replied Mikey.
- To be destroyed?
Mikey laughed with derision.
- How about we destroy him, then?
Cade threw the knife into the air and grabbed the cord.
- I like that idea. Come on?
I put my wallet in my back pocket. I raised fists. I did not think it would be fine butchering mortals to turn meatloaf, but he was sure that it would not be a problem for me. Even in my weakened state, I would much stronger than any human.
- I told you - I said. - My powers are beyond the understanding of
Mikey snapped his fingers.
- Yup.
He jumped forward.
When I was close, I advanced. I put all my anger that punch. It should have been enough to vaporize Mikey and leave a mark in the form of delinquent on asphalt.
But he bent down, which was very annoying.
I staggered forward. Let's agree that when Prometheus prepared
you humans using clay, made a working pig. Deadly legs are
ungainly. I tried to compensate and use my endless reserves of agility, but Mikey gave me a kick in the back. I fell and hit my divine face on the ground.
My nostrils flared as if they were air bags. My ears popped. A coppery taste flooded my mouth. I rolled over, grunting, and saw the two offenders fogged looking at me.
- Mikey - Cade said - you are realizing the power of this guy?
- No - he replied Mikey. - I'm not understanding.
- Fools! - I groaned. - I will destroy you!
- Oh, of course it will. - Cade threw the knife away. - But I think before we end up with you.
The boy raised his boot well above my face, and the world went black.

Do not waste time, buy and read this book to find out more about "The Trials of Apollo."

Published by Wes

May 20, 2016

The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle

How do you punish an immortal?

By making him human.

After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favour.

But Apollo has many enemies - gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go... an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.

The Publisher Intrinsica, responsible for the publication of the author's works Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson saga, today announced that The Trials of Apollo, new series of Rick, will be published in Brazil in the first half of 2016.

The story will follow the god Apollo, who was punished by her father, Zeus, and turned into a mortal teenager. Now he will try to find a way to reverse the punishment, fall back into the graces of his father and get his powers back. The first book in the series, The Hidden Oracle, takes place after the end of the series The Heroes of Olympus, bringing again unforgettable characters like Percy and Annabeth.

The Hidden Oracle, will be published on May 3, 2016 by Hyperion Books in the United States. In Brazil, the book will be released in the first half, probably a simultaneous release as with The Heroes of Olympus, by the Publisher Intrinsica.

Below you can see the cover of the first book of the saga, illustrated by John Rocco.

Published by Wes

May 19, 2016

Creator of Faking It reveals how would be the series finale

Without having a chance to wrap up the story in the way he wanted, Carter Covington, creator of Faking It, wrote an open letter to fans of the serie, telling the end of Karma (Katie Stevens) and Amy (Rita Volk). Check out the letter:

Dear Faking It's fandom,

I wrote Faking It to cure me. Growing up as a gay teenager in the closet in North Carolina, I fell in love with some of my best friends. Unlike Amy, I never said a word, because the rejection seemed inevitable. Needless to say that all these friendships ended. The journey of Amy was my chance to relive all those feelings in the safety of a script. It might be brave enough to take the risks that I never could. Amy could tell Karma that he loved her, and I could rewrite my past.

It was always my intention to make "Karmy" happen in our last season. Karma finally understand that her possessiveness by Amy could be a sign of a deeper feelings for her best friend. It would be difficult to share these feelings with Amy, knowing she could not raise expectations on her friend again, unless she was sure.

Unable to let another chance go, Karma kiss Amy impetuously, and a new moment of "Wow..." "I know..." kindled this new phase in the relationship of them. If it makes you deliriously happy, then please stop reading and let that be the end in your head.

How satisfying it would be to finally see Karma and Amy together like a real couple! We would have a lot of kisses, none of them in a dream! But gradually it would be clear that, by becoming a couple, the two lose something that makes them... they. Eventually, the two would realize that they would have to sacrifice dating to save the friendship. The series would end the dreams of life Karma and Amy intact: roommates in college, neighboring one another, best friends forever. That's what 'Karmy' always meant to me.

I'm sorry that I can't tell this story (though many fans must have been relieved). I'm sorry that we can't explore the amazing novel Liam and Lauren. Or follow the development in the relationship between Shane and Noah. I will miss of Director Penelope, Farrah and Bruce, Molly and Luke... And of course, Diane. Always I wonder what happened to Lisbeth and Read, Reagan, Theo and Duke. I will miss Hester High and all its peculiarities.

But what I miss most feel is working with an amazing group of artists to deliver this message of self-acceptance and love to our fans around the world. This show cured me, and I hope it has cured some of you too. I am deeply grateful to MTV, to our incredible cast, writers and staff, and all of you for this truly special experience.

Published by Manu

May 14, 2016

Harry Potter's author writes witchcraft to a fan tattoo and cure her depressione

JK. Rowling has shown, once again, dealing generously with fans of Harry Potter's saga. The british author was touched with a message from Twitter user, requesting a handwritten version of the spell 'Expecto Patronum' so she could tattoo. On request, the young girl told of her sad story:

"I went through many things (and I'm still going) in my life, from sexual abuse to bullying and 8 suicide attempts. I'm not proud of it, but it's who I am. I'm also trying so hard to stop with self-flagellation" says in a shared text on the social network.:

Kate also said that Rowling helped her overcome some problems in life, and demonstrated the desire to tattoo on the wrist spell the name of the dementors away the playful world of Harry Potter.:

"You helped me go through all the difficult moments of my life," thanked. "I want to tattoo 'Expecto Patronum' wrist I used to cut more, or somewhere that I don't know yet."

Rowling said the message immediately, generating excitement among fans: "...I love the fact that you're working to heal and protect yourself you deserve it I hope this helps." wrote the author to send the picture with the phrase written the hand.

J.K. Rowling is such a beautiful person. I love her!

Published by Manu