May 23, 2016

Trans girl with 7 years old meets the actress Laverne Cox

The transgender actress Laverne Cox, from "Orange Is The New Black", became a symbol for the whole LGBT community. This week, the story of a mother who took her daughter trans seven years, called M., to attend a speech that Cox was giving at City Hall, touched many users of networks.

The mother, Marlo Mack, writes about her daughter's transition into your blog "Gender Mom." On the page, she reported about the time that the small M. met the actress, who told her: "Remember dear, be trans is beautiful."

See a stretch of a publication of M's mother:

"OITNB is not really appropriate for a kid with 7 years old watch. But I was shown a photo of Laverne to M. on the cover of a magazine. Somehow she knew that Laverne was important and it was also a transsexual.

We arrived early enough to get seats right in front, and when Laverne came in the crowd went wild. M, was super happy cheering and clapping.

I think M. was one of the only kids in the audience. But the message is and that she understood it: here is someone who is talented, intelligent, famous, beloved by crowds. And she's also like you.

They had multiple entries, because she thought Cox was going through one of those doors? M. ignored my question and was alone at the other end of the room, his back to me.

She was right, a few minutes later, Laverne came through those doors and the crowd went crazy. But this time a little person in a flowered dress stood between her and the crowd. Looking at her face, waiting to be noticed.

Laverne waved to everyone, thanked us graciously and then looked that little girl blocking the way.

"Well, hello" - she said.
"I am M." - my daughter said.
Laverne smiled at her: "Hello M."
"I am trans," said M.

Laverne got a little lost, the crowd around commenting ("Did you see what that girl said?"). Laverne looked around the room and asked, "Is anyone with her?"

I stepped forward, "I am her mother." I was fully locked and forgotten how a normal human speech. I have no idea what I said.

But M. know what to do. She went straight to hug in Laverne, who crouched to M. eye level to meet her. I heard what she said to my daughter "Remember dear, be trans is beautiful."

Thank you life.''

Published by Manu

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